The Rebel Set

- 69:22

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"Are you beat?" asks coffee-shop impresario Mr. T. "Oh, sure, man," his sleazy friend Sid replies."Cool, way out, and long gone, dad!" Actually, although they’re right in the middle of Beatsville U.S.A. - complete with beat poets, chess games, bongo-and-flute music, and beatnik babes in black leotards - they’re both phonies. Sidney - played by instantly-recognizable character actor NED GLASS (the guy who’s always sneezing in Charade) ­ is a weasely little con-man. EDWARD PLATT - best known as The Chief on TV’s Get Smart - is Mr. T -for­ Tucker who looks like a suave hipster but is secretly planning a major robbery: "I’m preparing to steal a million dollars. N Appropriate then that they should be at the center of The Rebel Set, an off-balance little B ­ well directed by the man who also helmed I Was A Teenage Werewolf and I Married A Monster from Outer Space - that’s a crime caper pretending to be about the Beat Generation and sold as "Today’s Big Jolt about the Beatnik Jungle!"
