Jane Fonda's Workout Tapes

The program that sparked a fitness revolution, made gyms fashionable, & sold mountains of VHS tapes. Five tapes from 1982-88.

Jane Fonda's Original Workout

1982. This is the program that started it all, and became the top VHS tape of all time. This program will give you total body aerobic, strength, and flexibility workout, while building and maintaining cardiovascular health.

Jane Fonda's Easy Going Workout

1985. Incorporates easy to follow aerobic and ballet style movements that work your entire body. For daily use by Beginners of all ages, or for Advanced users on "off days."

Jane Fonda's Low Impact Workout

1986. One of the most popular programs of all time. Designed to jump start your metabolism and improve your overall physical fitness without being hard on the joints and muscles.

Jane Fonda's New Workout

1985. A follow up to the Original Workout, this offers a variety of new movements. Includes a 35 minute Beginner's and a 55 minute advanced program.

Jane Fonda's Complete Workout

1988. Adds fun new choreography and includes Upper & Lower Body toning as well as an Aerobic program. Includes instructions that modify the movements based on your level of fitness.