Dame Darcy's NYC public access TV freakshow from the roaring 90's arrives on Night Flight Plus! Dame Darcy, creator of the beloved Meat Cake comic, hosts this mad world of dolls, ghosts, murder-ballads, Vaudeville, Burlesque + carnival sideshow performances. Guest starring Courtney Love, Tiny Tim, Thurston Moore, and more; directed by filmmaker Lisa Hammer.
Turn of the Century: Episode 01
Dame Darcy + Isabelle Doll Banjo Intro, Dame Darcy sings, The Walrus and the Carpenter, I Dream of Jeannie, Dame Darcy Plays, Contorted Poetry, Decombreit, Dutch Dancers, Dutchess and Doppleganger, Stockton
Turn of the Century: Episode 02
Dame Darcy Intro, June Flowers, Sacrum Torch, Long Tall Salty, Golden Shoes, Dame Darcy, Prof. Dustcoughs Night At Saint Barts, Banjo Fun, PussBucket, Various and Sundry Songs for your Amusement, Dame Darcy - Storms on the Ocean, Morven’s House, Dutch Dancers.
Turn of the Century: Episode 03 - Cakewalk Part 1
“Dem Bones” Dance, Cake Contest, “Lady Godiva” Greta, Witchcraft through the ages.
Turn of the Century: Episode 04 - Cakewalk Part 2
June Jones Intro, Wolf and the Kids, June Jones Again, Cake Walk Bday Party, Professor Bonehead is Shipwrecked, Planet Filly Satnin Daddy, My Little Chickadee, Top Dancing Astronaut on the Moon.
Turn of the Century: Episode 05 - Birthday Panties
Halloween is Fun Shadow, Guy Maddin The Redon Film, Wrestling Part II, The Devils, B-Day Panties, Cabaret On Fire (Silent) Giant woman in Corset Show Girl to Burlesque, B-Day Cake, Midnight Mirage.
Turn of the Century: Episode 06 - Cabaret Review
Clips of DD in Tub, Red Vixen + Blue Angle, Burlesque Shows
Turn of the Century: Episode 07 - Chock Full O' Mits
Darcy w/ Antoharp Princess Singing Harmony, The Anatomy Lesson, Luminosities, Such Ruins, Sense of Sadness, More Antoharp Princess and Darcy, Films
Turn of the Century: Episode 08 - Apple Girls
“Sleep Walker” Angst onde Ghunde, Apple Girls, June Flowers, Singing Saw Dame Darcy, Fantom of the Opera, Tiny Tim & Tiny Town, Hunch Back of Notre Dame, Banjo Playing.
Turn of the Century: Episode 09 - Choo Choo Train Show
Choo-Choo Intro, Weimar, ChooChoo Song, Cartoon, Banjo Pete Song, Montag: Train Tour, Karen Black ‘Kembra Pfahler’ - Weird Victorian Video , France Branch Dance, Great Illusion Magic Show, Scalding Hot Tea Dance
Turn of the Century: Episode 10 Absenthe Show
DD turning around w/ Chandiler, Banjo Pete Intro, Toss Pot Twins, DD w/Chandiler Again, Absenta, The Amazing Oswald, DD w/ Chandiler Again, Trifles overhead projector, Tobacco Ken, The dog and his various merits, DD w/ Chandiler
Turn of the Century: Episode 11 - Auto Hypnomania
Red Gingham Intro, Pygmies on Film, “Auto-Hypnomania” Film - Next Attraction, Fox on Wall - Singing Saw, Hamlet - Ghost Scene, “Spanks for the Memories”, Gingham Dress Ending.
Turn of the Century: Episode 12 - County Fair
Banjo Grass Intro, Animated Musical Number, Banjo/Grass/Dance, County Fair, Banjo Dance, Theatre Scene, Jumping-Jesters / Fair, Panties Dance, Glamorous Quilted, Rolling on Grass.
Turn of the Century: Episode 13 - Dame Darcy Sings in French
Intro w/Fancy French Costume, Old Vaudeville Clip, Dancing w/Parisols, Blessed Elisium Propaganda film, Poetry w/ Dame Darcy + Karen and other Girl, Dreams of a fiend, Dame Darcy Signs in French, Set of Meatcake the Movie, Edison Kinscope Films the Kiss
Turn of the Century: Episode 14 - Crazy in the Park with Dame
“Whatanice day”, DD in Park Hits Ross in the Face, Phantom Carrage, DD in Park, That Fatal Sneeze, DD in park Laughing and Skipping, Madcap Matador, How it Feels to be Run Over.
Turn of the Century: Episode 15 - Dance of Death
Maury Povich Intro, The Dance of Death, Caught in a Cabaret,David’s Bow-Tie Lesson, Wrestling Finale, Job (Movie), Dame Darcy + Countessa say Hail Mary’s
Turn of the Century: Episode 16 - Doll Trolly Ahoy
Dolls Hosting Intro, “The Golden Beetle” Film, Dolls Riding, Trolly Ahoy!, Dolls Sing Song, “Where is Isabelle?” Russian navy Silent Film, Victorian Lady Stares at Flower, Aladdin Film.
Turn of the Century: Episode 17 - Fairey Tale
The Sirens and the Sailors, Transatlantic, The jalerwalkie Poem, Beauty and the Beast, Fairyland by Betty Muffin,Trailer for Art School movie, Frogland, Starwitch
Turn of the Century: Episode 18 - Ferrum 5000
Intro with DD in Parlor, The Pumpkin Race, Ferrum 500 -(Karen Black) ‘Kembra Pfahler, The Ghost Ship.
Turn of the Century: Episode 19 - Grail Time Out
Banjo Time w/ Dame Darcy, In Search of Isabelle Doll, Dutchess and Doppelgänger, Welches Creek - Film, Drawing Meat Cake Comics published by Fantagraphics, Midnight Mirage Featuring Dame Darcy
Turn of the Century: Episode 20 - Hoe Down Tex
Intro w/Tex, Dancing w/Tex, Tobacco Song (Vaudeville), Planet Filly @ The Cooler, Li’l Sweetie (Vaudeville), “Golden Shoes” Cartoon, Viewer Mail w/ Jenny
Turn of the Century: Episode 21 - Ice Cream Man
Intro on Church Steps, “Wig Rodeo”- Marcel Dujour, “Ice Cream man” Graveyard Peephole, “Slapstick Cinema” Weird Japanese Cartoon, “Red Apple Juice”.
Turn of the Century: Episode 22 - International Broadcase
Banjo Pete Announcement, Contorted Poetry w/crowd intercut, The Time Machine, Weit Weit Weg, Fucked up Spanish, Planet Filly Down in the Hollow
Turn of the Century: Episode 23 - Random Show
Dame Darcy Sings w/Saw, Dame Darcy plays w/Banjo Pete at Under Acme What’ll I Do?, DD w/ Saw Again, To A Random - Film, DD w/ Saw, The Cheerful Cricket, DD at Under Acme Banjo, Les Esargos Rene Laroux, DD w/ Sing Saw.
Turn of the Century: Episode 24 - Naked Lady Snails
Haunt Lisa McElroy, Darcy Draws Cartoon, Dizzy Dishes Cartoon, Planet Filly Live Interview, Lady Snails attack Cartoon, June Flowers, Filly Dance/Fence me In, Dutch Dancers
Turn of the Century: Episode 25 - Rob 'n' Po
Rest in Peace -Film Starring Dame Darcy + Rachael Amodeo
Turn of the Century: Episode 26 - Sand Man Episode
Intro w/ Moon Elaborate, Empire of Ache Set, Sandman, Empire of Ache Behind The Scenes Talking Steak, Sunset, Testament Telekinesis, The Amazing Ozwald, Prima Parasite, Spanks for the Memories. -Edited At Sunbow.
Turn of the Century: Episode 27 - Snacks and Crafts
Doll Craftin’ with Courtney Love, Victorian Show, More Doll Crafting, Spankings and Cookies
Turn of the Century: Episode 28 - Suckdog
Dame Darcy Intro, Suckdog Live in Louisville Kentucky Featuring: Lisa Suckdog, Dame Darcy, Suckdog Behind the Scenes footage.
Turn of the Century: Episode 29 - Super Best Of Show
Ladies, Maury spot, The Toss Pot Twins, Dame Darcy Montage, Long Tall Salty, Honey Time.
Turn of the Century: Episode 30 - Thanksgiving Special
Snacks & Crafts, Victorian Ladies Fighting, Suckdog II (Dancing), Top Dance, Kens Turkey Movie, More Fighting, Cartoon, Suckdog French Toast, More Fighting, Red Apple Juice, Suckdog -Finale, Planet Filly, Welk Organ, This Old House
Turn of the Century: Episode 31 - Taxidermied Mice
Mouse Taxidermy Art Show, “Honey time”, Cartoon, Greta Bilinger Film, Animal Art w/google eyes, Harpo Plays Accordian w/Dracula Organ, “The Great Chase”, TOTC Wide World of Wrestling - Part one, Dutch Dancers (Vaudeville)
Turn of the Century: Episode 32 - The Laughing Fit
Turn of the Century: Episode 33 - The Making of the Elaborate Empire of Ache
Elaborate Empire of Ache Movie, Little Lull Cartoon, More Making Of, Making of Rest in Peace, Train Footage, Planet Filly w/ Dancing Ladies, Film
Turn of the Century: Episode 34 - The Christmas Episode
Banjo Pete/ Dame Darcy Sign Along/Saw, Cartoon, Duckie Doolittle/ Sexy Santa, Thurston Moore Intro, Michael Weiner, Moonlighters, Moscow Footage, Puppet Show, Thurston Moore Sing w/ Princess Darcy, Johnny Fox Swallows Balloons, Not Farewell Sweet Flesh
Turn of the Century: Episode 35 - The Rock Show
Rock Rock Chicken Pox, X, Mors Syphilitica, Family Cow, Kitty Winder, Tiny Tim, Deep 6, Planet Filly, Requiem in White
Turn of the Century: Episode 36 - Rumpelstiltskin
Sunbow Intro “Rumpelstiltskin”, Rumpelstiltskin II, Countessa w/ Dame Darcy Singin’ Crazy, Spanish Matador Cartoon, “Don’t Fence Me in” Song with Filly Doll, Countessa & Dame “Bye”
Turn of the Century: Episode 37 - Filly Suckdog and other Pets
Filly Intro “Red Rosey Aple” Song, Filly Dance “Cards with Cards”, More Filly, Suckdog Live- Mermaid more filly, Floodwalker, More Filly, Cat Trick, More filly, Cakeland Cartoon.
Turn of the Century: Episode 38 - Ghost Stories, Mummies, Murder, and Mayhem
Suckdog Montage, The Marquis’ Song, The Mummy - clip, The Dance of Death Mummy, Adieux Dames, Victorian House Montage, Family Cow w/puppets, Lincoln clip, Long Tall Salty, Honey Time, Dutch Dancers, Svengali clip
Turn of the Century: Episode 39 - Misfortunes and Oo LaLa
Church Steps Intro, The Misfortunes of Crappleshire, Banjo Pete, Wings of a Dove, OO LaLa Interview, Puss In Boots Clip, Thanksgiving Movie, Roll Cartoons.
Turn of the Century: Episode 40 - The Careful Show
Dame Darcy on Church Steps, “Wings of a Dove Intro”, Careful by Guy Maddin, Banjo Pete Intro, Toss Pot Twins, Honey time, Dame Darcy at the Edd Sullivan Theatre.
Turn of the Century: Episode 41 - Best Of
Dame Darcy Intros, Long Tall and Salty, Dame Darcy - Amazing Telekinesis, “May I Cut In?” w/Dame Darcy & Friend the Girl, Contorted Poetry, Golden Shoes by Dame Darcy and Henry Jones, Planet Filly, The Elaborate Empire of Ache, Cards with Cards, TOTC Wide World of Wrestling, Dutch Dancers, Dutchess and Doppelgängers, Tiny Tim & Tiny Town, Risque Reverie, The Amazing...Read More
Turn of the Century: Pilot
Dame Darcy Isabelle Bajo, Risque’ Reverie, Gluttony, The Elaborate Empire of Ache, Midnight Mirage w/Dame Darcy, Dutchess and the Doppleganger, The Sirens and The Sailor, The Foundling, Dame Darcy, Doll Craftin’ with Courtney Love -short version, Dame Darcy Banjo + Saw.